Tuesday, October 28, 2014

You're a mom, right?

Okay, so this is something I get asked on a regular basis and I don't know how I feel about that. Yes I'm 31 and by my age most people have at least one kid if they are going to have kids but that's not my path. Trust me I want kids. I want to have tons of little babies but I'm not willing to do so until my health is good enough that my OB feels I could have a fairly normal pregnancy. I know that everyone says there is no perfect time for kids, but I refuse to have my health issues affect the life of my future children. So the plan is have the surgery, lose the weight, and about a year after start trying for kids. I'm not much of a planner so this is more of a just optimistic outline.

Now why does everyone assume I'm a mom other then my age? I know that my whole life I've been told I'd make a good mom one day. So, maybe I just give off maternal vibes? Also, I have my "part time kiddo" Which is my best friend's daughter and we are very close. I've been her other mommy most of her life. I'm also the mother to my Zoo, I have 36 pets who I consider my babies. Some people think that is nuts but I adore my adopted babies.

So why does it bother me when people assume I'm a mom? It's a great thing to be. I hope to be a mom in a few years. But a little part of me always feels that I'm being judged. Yes it is partially my choice that I don't have kids yet. Yes my husband wants kids more then anything but is it so bad to want the best for them? My mother has always blamed herself for any health problems I or my brothers have. She always wonders if we have poor health because of something she did. (She did nothing wrong while pregnant she's just a worrier) I don't want to wonder that about my kids. I mean I know for a fact that any child I have has a good chance of having at least one allergy. I know that they have a chance of having my fair skin and hives in the sun. I know they could get my hypermobility and sprain things a lot. I just don't want to add to that list,So even though I'm not a mommy yet. I can't wait to be one but I shall do it safely!

Am I weird for worrying about what people think on this subject?

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