Thursday, September 11, 2014

Dear Dollar Tree

Guess what? Just because you sell very inexpensive items does not mean you can treat your employees how ever you want. If anything you should treat them like Kings and Queens for all they have to put up with. I am not a Dollar Tree employee, however I have seen what these people put up with. like:

  • Constantly scheduled on days they are unavailable.
  • Always asked to find coverage for those shifts which is ridiculous when you messed up the schedule in the first place. YOU FIX YOUR MISTAKE!
  • Managers acting like small children when the employees are ill. Guess what life happens and many large corporations figure out how to pull up their big girl/boy panties and say "Okay, feel better." and then we find someone to cover their shift or we work extra hard that day. I know baffling what you can accomplish when your attitude graduates high school!
  • ON a daily basis they deal with possibly the dumbest customers on the planet asking repeatedly about each item how much it costs. and They don't snap at these customers that it's the Dollar Tree it's all a dollar grasp the concept or go home
  • They put up with their bosses huffing like a 4 year old and hanging up on them when they are horrible ill and must miss a day.
  • They put up with people not minding their children while they ransack the store. 
  • They put up with having a day job that only ever gives them half shifts. 
  • They put up with constantly being talked down to by management.
  • They put up with all of the silly things you make them say or do for your fundraisers.
  • They put up with an always growing list of responsibilities while fully knowing that it's damn near impossible to get a raise.
So Dollar Tree maybe your management needs classes on how to humanly treat other people, Or maybe they need to be fired and go back to primary school and learn manners, Whatever they need you should get on it before people start boycotting your store. Because as a customer I have heard a store manager gossiping about other employees and their health issues on the sales floor in front of everyone. Which I'm pretty sure violates Hipaa Privacy policies. But hey you know just a heads up that with the treatment these people are getting from your company I wouldn't be surprised if you start getting more lawsuits. Also hey my mom taught me this thing when I was like 3 that may help your management staff. It's called the golden rule because it's pretty important. Basically you treat others how you wish to be treated. It's not too complex maybe look into it. I've done pretty well in my life living by that rule. In conclusion be nice because if I keep seeing your employees mistreated I will do everything in my power to bring attention to all you are doing! Please just hire nice people or you know train the mean ones to at least have common human decency! Thanks Lambchop!

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