Thursday, May 23, 2013


Today I turn thirty years old. I have been really anxious about this up until yesterday. Then all of the sudden I was super excited. I have never thought thirty was old but not being in my twenties anymore is weird. I still don't consider myself a "grown up" but I guess I am. I have bills and work and deal with lots of grown up things. but I never considered my self an actual adult. I've always felt like just a slightly more mature child. I'll most likely still feel like that at 40 and 50 and so on. I don't know why we have to get older but I know that I appreciate every day I'm given. Every person in my life has made me who I am today. Some people in a good manner and some have taught me what I don't want to be and also to be stronger. So a few hours in I'm loving being 30. and I know when I turn 40 I'll be missing today so I'm going to enjoy all the wonderful things about being 30 today. :) Hugs and Love -Steph