Tuesday, March 19, 2013

What to do?

Well this past Tuesday my maternal grandmother passed away. She had been sick for a long time. The doctors had told us her time was coming to an end. We knew pretty much what day it would happen. What I didn't expect was the instant hole. When my paternal grandfather died I expected this hole. He was my superman and only positive male role model growing up. But I didn't expect this with my grandma. She was, well there is really no other way to put it, cantankerous. She was out and out mean sometimes and I many time wondered why she was so angry. She also played favorites. For some reason I was her favorite grandchild. She even told me I was her pride and joy and the apple of her eye. She never said anything like this to my mother. They had a rough relationship. Grandma had a rough relationship with most people. She could be very sweet in public which made it all the more painful to her family when she mistreated us. But later in life as she started to feel her age more she tried harder. Sometimes unsuccessfully but she tried. I spent many days playing mediator between her and other family members. Or fixing her computer because no one else would. On her good days I felt very loved she always told me I was beautiful and we talked about books and religion. We never talked politics and when we did I patiently listened while disagreeing in my head. She was an amazing but far from perfect person. She said things that we're hurtful to people more then she should. She made mom cry ( a #1 no no in my book) several times. But towards the end as her heart began to give out she would ask for my mom. All this time they fought but there was amazing UNCONDITIONAL love in both there hearts. Once grandma got to where she needed daily care. We moved her into an amazing adult foster care place. Mom visited everyday. Mom would plan everything around getting to see grandma. She would go over to sit with her during dinner and stay to put her to bed. Grandma eventually forgot my name and began calling me "So beautiful" as a name. Which I tried to get everyone to call me but they didn't go for it. When she forgot my moms name she just said. My baby. I loved watching their love grow. I loved soaking in the moments. Grandma knew she was dying but took it with a grain of salt like the true Irish lady she was. She'd say things like, "When I'm gone how long do you think God will let me follow you around your farm?" I said "Grandma I love you but that's creepy you just walk into that light when it's time and don't look back." She smiled her mischievous smile and we all laughed about her being my galloping ghost. When she passed my mom was there holding her hand. It was peaceful. I will miss her. There is a hole. 5 days later we found out that my maternal  grandfather died of pneumonia. My mother lost both parents in 5 days. There is now a bigger hole. I don't know that anyone will ever read my blog but if you do and you pray please pray for my grandparents and my mother who has a hole in her heart that I just can't mend. Love and hugs

Sunday, March 17, 2013

First post ever!!

       So this is my first ever blog post. I've wanted to start a blog for a while now. It's very therapeutic to get your thoughts out. Even if nobody ever reads them. I guess my first post should be about who I am and what I love. Well I'm Stephanie a girl who was born and raised in the capital city of my state. I have always loved the hustle and bustle of city life. When I was in my early twenties I met my husband. He has always lived in a very small town in the middle of nowhere. All there here where he was raised is farm after farm.

      I married my husband in 2009. and we moved out here to run his family farm in 2011. At first I hated it here. It was dead silent all the time. Then anytime you tried to sleep the train would go by and wake you right up. It took a while and I don't even know when or how it happened but I now love this place. It's home. I frequently sit in front of our big picture window reading books or just staring out and enjoying nature. I'm hoping to plant a large garden this year. So there may be some posts about gardening. I'm always up for any tips and help from anyone. We have cattle. Which used to seem so rare to me that when I would pretend I was a zookeeper as a child I had everything from sloths to cows and ducks in my pretend zoo. We used to have ducks on the farm but they we're taken by predators. We are hoping to get ducks again and keep them in our backyard so they can reach the river but also go into a pen at night to be safe and warm. 

     In addition to being a farmer I am a very girly girl. I love all things pink. I adore going shopping and buying purses and shoes. I love date nights with the hubby. I have no kids yet but we are praying hard that we will eventually be blessed with children. We have what we call our part time kiddo. She is six years old and she is my best friends daughter. They used to live with us and we have always loved her like she was our own kid and always will!

     We both work full time but we have to drive 45 minutes each way to work. We are very busy. Luckily though, where I work is the same city that my mom, and one of my brothers lives. and my dad, step-mom, and little brother aren't far from there. I'm very close to my family. I'll be 30 this year and I still talk to my mother everyday. My older brother and I act like twins even though we're just over a year apart in age. My little brother I treat like part brother part son. I'm very protective of him. My mom had cancer when I was 13 and I took over the household. I think that is why we are all so close. 

     Health-wise I have pretty bad luck. I'm hyper sensitive which my doctor said basically means that my body overreacts to everything. Stress can make me super sick for days, caffeine in high amounts can make my heart race until I pass out, etc. I of course catch every single bug that is passed around and if it makes most people sick for 3 days I'm down for at least a week. With all that though, they don't call me Tuffy for no reason. I am stubborn when it comes to my health and resting. I tell myself I can do anything. I'm a very positive happy person most of the time. and also I have a high tolerance for physical pain. 

     I am always willing to listen to a friend and I love meeting new people. I would love to be able to travel more and I'm hoping to eventually be able to afford to have a honeymoon in Ireland with my husband. (We never got a honeymoon) If you made it through this whole boring about me post then well done. give yourself a cookie. Thanks for reading. Sending you love and hugs! 
