Saturday, April 26, 2014

How to be the worst customer ever.

I personally prefer not to make others miserable but you know whatever floats your boat. Also a few of these things will get you kicked out of the store.

- Blame every employee in sight for all the things that our clearly controlled by corporate like , prices, remodels, advertising, signs, etc. There is nothing we like more then having to listen to multiple people a day complain about things that are controlled by people who make more in a week then we do in a year. We love that and I'm sure Karma won't come back to bite you. We never fantasize about all the ways Karma could catch up to you.

-Insist that you are right even after you have been shown proof. Like when you say a sign said something was way cheaper then it would ever be and we bring you the sign. Clearly we have multiple signs just to throw you off because there is nothing we like more then dealing with irrational angry customers.

-Threaten violence especially to the short female employees especially if you are a large male. That definitely won't result in police being called. Nope never.

-Always assume that you are the only person we need to help because you know we have 1,000 employees hanging out in the back room waiting around so that we can have one employee per customer.

-Tell us that we need to hire more people because you had to wait thirteen extra seconds and we had all check stands open. Then threaten to never shop there again if we don't hire more people. We would be heartbroken if we lost your super charming personality from our lives and clearly as a busy store we really need that sixteen dollars you just spent. Our lives would be forever changed without you.

- Go through self checkout for the first time ever with 70 items in your cart. The person running it totally wants to let all the other customers wait while we pretty much do your entire order because you ask a question about each item. You are after all the only person there and the center of our universe.

-Make the joke that if it didn't scan it should be free. We don't hear that 80 times a day. It's still funny.

-Tell the employees that they looked bored so you came to help. It doesn't demean all we do or make us feel like you think we are lazy. Also we're pretty much always doing something and never bored. except Thanksgiving night then we are admittedly usually bored.

So if you want to be one of our favorites that we look forward to seeing and go out of our way for then do none of the above things, remember we are people. We always try but we also sometimes have things going on outside of work that we try to hide but even your small comments can hurt on those days. Remember that the less you act like you are the center of the universe the more we will treat you like you actually are. We adore our regulars we like watching your kids grow and hearing about your life. We understand that sometimes you have rough days too but remember we're human and we'll forgive the small stuff. Also never feel like we don't want to help you. We do if you stay nice and try to remember that we have other people to help as well. I hope that you all think and take a breath next time something upsets you at a store. We truly do adore most of our customers and we know that you are crucial to our jobs. Please remember that we are also a crucial part of your lives because unless you make your own clothes and raise all your own food then you probably need us too. :)

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

They call me Snow White.

Ever since I could walk I remember loving animals. We used to visit a place called grandkid acres. I would feed the giraffes and pet the horses. The goats would follow me along the fence line. I even pet a hyena there thinking it was a dog. See, animals have never been afraid of me. Squirrels will come stand on my feet while playing. Raccoons follow me everywhere. I have had a wild cougar walk right past me. Because of this fact my family has dubbed this my Snow White Syndrome. It works well on babies too. Some of the most shy kids ever will come right up and talk to me at work. I would never give up this gift fir anything. My husband worries because anytime we drive by a dangerous creature like a bear or a cougar they try to keep pace with the vehicle. I insist that they like me and want to see me my husband says they want to kill and eat me. I love that birds will land on my shoulders. Our cows act like I am a drug they are addicted to. A few have lost their voice from mooing for me all day. This does make me take it very hard for me when an animal dies. Even possums I cry when I see road kill. But the joy I get from having a big cow run up and put her head against my belly to hug me. Or when the blue crane that live on our farm walks with me up the river. I will take that feeling over anything. It is sometimes irritating because I can't be with all the animals all the time so there is a lot of crying for me that goes on. Even the crane squawks when I'm with too many people and he's afraid to get close. The fact that these animals trust me 100% as soon as the see me is amazing. I love being Snow White. This is one syndrome I'll happily keep. :)

Why feminism isn't for me.

Some people call me old fashioned others, sexist. I don't think I'm either of those things. Now don't get me wrong I believe that all women should be able to make their own decisions and get equal pay for equal work. However, some feminists I know act like women don't need men for anything. That's just plain not true. Each gender needs the other for certain things. Each person needs different things from the other.gender. I, for example, am a small person so I need my husbands help with hard physical labor or anything high up. He needs my help with keeping things clean and sanitary. I need his help to calm my emotions. He needs my help to remind him of his empathy. Sure we could survive without each other but it would be unpleasant. I could go get a ladder everytime I need to reach something off the top shelf but it's nice to just be able to say hey honey. I know that my opinion on feminism isn't the current popular opinion. I prefer a man to open the door for me. I like being treated like a princess and it makes me feel respected and valued. I never feel like my husband is diminishing my strength  when he carries the heavy groceries and leaves me the light ones. It's easier for him so he does it. Just like it's easier for me to bake because I grew up doing it. Now I don't live in a house where I always cook and clean and he always does the hard chores. He will help me cook and clean. I will help him build fence and herd cattle. We both understand that we can do anything we set our minds to. But it's more fun and easier with teamwork. Plus we can't make more sassy princesses without men. I juat think some feminists take it too far. Past equality to acting like women deserve things more then men. I will always be pro-equality. But I don't think I will ever think of myself as a feminist. I will love honor and cherish my husband as long as he returns the favor! Equality for everyone should be the goal. God didn't make one gender better or worse. We both have strengths and weaknesses. Each individual person has different strengths and weaknesses. We must learn to not judge a book by it's gender.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Shasha the dog that doesn't fit in.

This is my dog, Sasha. I got her as an early Christmas present for my husband a few years ago. Her daddy is Lab/Norwegian Elkhound. And her mommy is Lab/Jack Russell. She is the thing I never knew I needed. But I'll save all her praises for another day. Sasha's most outstanding quality is her love and compassion. She feeds her stuffed animals everyday. They take turns going head first into her (usually already empty) food dish. She loves all animals. We have cattle and she plays with the babies. They kiss noses. She has a Puggle brother who she adores. When we had ducks she would kiss them and swim with them. She and Carlisle (my duck) would run up to each other so she could kiss his beak. She once found a little roof rat she wanted to be friends with. But she played to rough and accidentally killed him. She looked so sad. She didn't want to come in she kept poking him with her nose trying to wake him. She mourned that stupid rat for weeks. She would go outside and go straight to that spot and lay down and pout. She never makes noises but she would wimper at night. She is truely the most warm hearted dog. So on the farm she can't understand why the chickens run from her. She doesn't know why they don't want her kisses. The only thing she is lacking is any skills to actually be a dog. See when she was a puppy she was around an unfixed male dog and my husband taught her to sit when he tried sniffing around her area. Well as I'm sure you know dogs get to know each other by sniffing each other's areas. But Sasha is a lady. So any dog comes up and she sits. Which leads to every dog looking at her like she's nuts and leaving her alone. My husband was recently building fence with two family friends and between the two of them they have 3 dogs. All slightly smaller then Sash. So Hubby took Sasha with him. All the other dogs ran and played while Sasha sat by her human and watched him build fence. During a break he saw a mouse. She did everything she could to try to befriend that mouse. Slowly approaching and even crawling on her belly under a farm vehicle because her friend was running away from her under there. Poor girl she gets along great with her brother, Riley the puggle. And she is never mean to other dogs she just doesn't fit in. Her daddy taght her to be a lady which made her socially awkward around other dogs. Anything from lizards to birds to cats or beavers are her friends, but not dogs, dogs are weird.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Please do!

I recently had an incounter at work where we had a huge rush that lasted all of about 10 minutes. And a large threatening man came up to me and said that if I (who is a lowley employee not even management) don't hire more people he will never come back. He continued to scream at me about how long he had to wait which was all of 30 seconds. And I became worried for my safety. I would like to also point out that this man had only spent about $13. Now I of course would be devestated if this jackhole found another store to shop at. What would my little store do without his $13. And who would tell us when we need to hire more people. He refused to speak with my manager because my manager is also a large intimidating man and clearly that's not as fun as yelling at the five foot six girl with no power to help him. Do these people seriously think we would miss them or even notice them not coming back. We are one of the busiest stores in town. We will always be that way. If you want a slower store then by all means shop somewhere else. Where your $13 may actually matter to them. But to us you will just be the guy who left right before we were going to call the cops to have you kicked out. We have so many regular customers and I would miss them if they left. But guess what 98% of them are a freaking delight to help. You catch more flies with honey Mr. Jerkwad. I feel sorry for the people who have to encounter your sons later in life because I'm sure you're raising them with great respect for women. And loads of kindness. Now would you kindly take a long walk of a short cliff. I hear there's a great new store down there. :p

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Why a high pain tolerance sucks!

I have a very high pain tolerance. Sounds great right? Well sometimes it is. I can go to the dentist and get a filling with no Novocaine. I can get a big bruise and not be bothered at all. In fact it feels weird so I tend to poke them. I've had eyelid surgery with no numbing medication while completely awake. This is all fine and dandy however, did you know that when you can't feel certain pains your body will try to find other ways to tell you to stop what you're doing. So, when I get a kidney stone my body first try's just making me really sleepy and easily worn out. Then it will maybe make me feel a little feverish. Then WHAM! I'm vomiting have horrible vertigo and can't move. Then it figures out how to give me the normal pain sensation. So my body waits until it's really bad and then it's like a brick wall of agony. So yes it's nice that I don't have a fear of the dentist and it's nice that I don't have to deal with small pains. It's not nice that I'm more likely to seriously injure myself because I'm already stubborn and push myself so it doesn't help that my body doesn't warn me until it's horrible. It's like a normal person can workout or do an activity and feel when they're starting to get sore and know to stop soon. My body waits until after I'm done to say oh you shouldn't have done that much..... NOT HELPFUL. So it sounds nuts but be thankful that your pain receptors work properly because for those who's don't it's kind of miserable. I'm also not used to feeling pain so once it hits me I can't focus on anything else. I'm not saying when you stub your toe you should do a happy dance but hey it could be worse.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Pre-makeup tips for sensitive skin.

I have hyper sensitivity. Which in short means my body overreacts to everything. However, I like wearing makeup sometimes and I've found a few tricks that make it much easier on my sensitive eyes and skin.

- Use a toner and moisturizer before you apply face makeup. This cleans out and reduces the size of your pores and the more moist your skin is the better base it gives you. If you have oily skin use an oil free moisturizer and this will prevent the makeup from clogging your pores.

-Eye drops. I have so many issues with eye makeup making my eyes itch. So now every time I go to put eye makeup on I apply my allergy relief eye drops. I keep eye drops in my makeup drawer so I won't forget this step.

-If you have very sensitive eyes skip the waterlining and tightlining. But if you really don't want to skip this step make sure to use waterproof and let it dry well before letting it touch your eye.

-For my lips I always exfoliate them and then apply a nourishing lip cream. This keeps your lips from drying out as badly with other lip products and if you do this at the beginning of your makeup routine this will absorb into you're lips before you apply your lip products.

-My last tip is to keep your under eye area from creasing make sure to use an eye cream to keep them moisturized before applying concealer.

I hope this helps!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

The good and the bad

So this is going to be a post about my health and weight. I had always been a very active person. I was even told I was to addicted to working out and needed to limit myself. This was when I was doing over 1000 sit ups a day. Then one day I got in a car accident and had what they called sideways whiplash. basically I sprained most of the muscles on one side of my back. I had to stop working out. I could barely move and I started gaining weight. I was then in 5 car accidents in 3 years (I was a passenger in all 5 I'm not a horrid driver Lol) but this made it so that I would just start to get healed and I would re injure it. This was what started my weight gain, made me lose my motivation because why should I keep trying if I just get told I'm overdoing it everytime. I then started eating more junk which I think it what most 19-20 year olds do. and I've had trouble getting the weight off since. Today was one of my lazy days but I still made an effort to drink more water and get on the treadmill. I'm talking to my doctor about going into the program for weight loss surgery. we've tried monitoring what I eat and I tend to eat about 750 calories most days. My doctor say's that my body is storing everything I eat so I am taking a long time to digest because my body thinks I'm starving it. So hopefully we can move towards a healthy solution for me. I know it will be a lot of work and I'll happily put in the work if I get to see results because right now diet and exercise just isn't working. This isn't to say that I will have surgery. I'm just starting in to the program to see if it will be a good fit for me and fix some of my health issues. because I'm in a bit of a cycle right now. My health issues make it more difficult to loose weight which then causes more health issues. I have been slacking on my food diary and need to still be drinking more water but I'll try! Here's hoping I can get healthier!

Fostering and why it's important.

There are so many kinds of fostering. You can foster dogs, cats, livestock, kids, elderly people, etc. I have seen all of these in my life. I am currently fostering 3 of the most adorable quirky little cats ever. It's not something I set out to do. I had a friend who was in a situation where she required medical attention for many months. I was able to take her cats and my giant cat is the brother of these guys so it was a no brainer. My husband is luckily very understanding and let me take them in even though he does the more unpleasant cat care. See I'm allergic to cats. so they can't get too close to my face and I have constantly wash my hands after loving on them so I don't rub my eye or nose and have a reaction. I have never been able to live without a cat even though I'm allergic. I love animals. The thing about fostering is it's hard. No matter what kind of fostering there is an adjustment period. There's times when you think, "Will they ever feel at home here?" but most of the time they do. There can be issues. I've fostered dogs that had issues with other dogs. luckily they were fine with our dogs but we had to be careful to keep them away from others. One of the kitties I'm fostering I thought he'd never quit hiding from us but after almost 2 weeks of hiding he came out to eat and saw me petting one of the other cats. He slowly made his way to me and since then we've been pretty inseparable. Yes it will be hard to take them back to their mommy. But I just focus on the joy they will give to her while she is healing. We're friends so I can visit them. Not everyone is lucky enough to have that but it helps me. Either way sometimes people or animals need an in between place. Those who offer to be that place, to love them like they're family until they can return to their actual family, they have to be a special kind of person. It's so hard to let go. I think the most difficult would be adult foster care. My grandmother was in adult foster care before she passed. My mom went everyday and helped them get grandma put to bed but these people loved my grandma and cared for her like she was family. They invited us to visit anytime and we came to love these people like family. But they love these people and care for them knowing that usually they won't leave until they leave to be with Jesus. That has got to be so hard. It's such a blessing to be able to love animals and people whenever you can and I hope that one day everyone who fosters does it for all the right reasons. I hope that every animal and child and grandparent that needs to be fostered finds someone who is willing to give them all the love they need and deserve!