Thursday, September 12, 2013


This is quite possibly one of the worst words in the English language. Most of the even worse words tend to hang out with it too. I remember when my grandma was diagnosed with lung cancer. When my grandpa was diagnosed with a brain tumor. When my mother was diagnosed with bladder cancer and all three times my baby brother was diagnosed with cancer. I remember when I was diagnosed with A.d.h.d. and even though nothing about me had changed in those few minutes. I felt different. I remember being diagnosed with hyper sensitivity disorder. Again nothing had changed but I was more confused by my body and why it overreacts to everything. Why does this word have such a negative impact. In reality it changes nothing other then the fact that you know where you stand now. If my mother and brother weren't diagnosed when they were I wouldn't have them here with me today. So I try to focus on the positive with everything in life. But that's not always so easy. Recently I was diagnosed epileptic and instead of thinking, great they have this figured out and we can make progress towards making me feel better, I instantly thought oh no I can't drive. There goes my independence. I thought of what a burden I will always be on my loved ones. But really I should have been thinking that it's not the worst thing it could have been. I should have been thankful for my wonderful neurologist for all his hard work to find answers. Not resentful that he couldn't snap his fingers and fix me. I have alot more to learn about my newest diagnosis but I will learn and I will pray that God helps me focus on the positives in life. Because really a word is only as powerful as we let it become. So starting today I'm diagnosing myself with positivity syndrome! It's gonna be great!

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