Monday, September 23, 2013

Trying new things

So I am a city girl. In my family I am the princess. I love comfort. I LOVE the internet and books on my phone. I love sitting at home and watching Dance Moms. So last Wednesday I took a huge step for me. I went camping 5 hours from home in the desert. I did this because I have been with my wonderful husband for almost 7 years. In this time I have been asked every year to go with him to the spot where his family fishes every year. However they always go memorial weekend which just so happens to be my birthday weekend most of the time. So being the pampered city girl princess that I am I have passed on the opportunity every time. Last year I planned to go I got time off from work and then my father had a heart attack and a quintuple bypass surgery. So I stayed home. Well this year I agreed to go for their second trip in the year. Which was September 18th. I was excited but also a little nervous about rattlesnakes and also how my asthma and allergies would be. Everyone said that my asthma may be worse at the higher altitude but my allergies should be better since there is much less plant life. So we went. I was so excited I made sure to pack my inhalers and epi pen and all the things I might need. I didn't however bring my CPAP machine. So we got to the spot and it was so different from any place I had ever been to. But so beautiful. I had my seizure dog and she was by my side the whole time. I was loving it. We fished and although I kept getting fish stealing my bait and never landing one. I had so much fun. My husbands aunts gave me tips and even let me reel in some that they hooked. I was so glad I let go of my fears and went. I ended up being there 3 days instead of 5 because of the fact that my throat swelled about half way shut, my nose never stopped bleeding because of the altitude, I couldn't sleep without my CPAP. But to spite all that and having to leave early, I had so much fun. I saw so many new sights. I spent some wonderful quality time with my husbands aunts. I got the dog out of the house and taking the lab mix by water was a very good thing. In short almost everything I worried about going wrong did. But I wouldn't change a second of it! I will always be open to trying new things and I'm hoping to go back next year but I'll bring my CPAP and allergy meds! Have fun and just say yes sometimes. You never know what wonderful things could happen!

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