Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving stress

Every year as it gets close to Thanksgiving I freak out. I worry that the house isn't clean enough. I worry that I'll be to exhausted from working the week before. I worry that I have forgotten to buy something. And every year my whole life it ends up the same. It doesn't matter if I cook everything or not. It ends up that I have a moment after everyone arrives and is chatting and laughing that I look around and feel just thankful to be here with these people. It doesn't matter if I run out of butter or if I forgot to dust that one table. It all ends up fine. I always enjoy myself whether I be with my family or my husbands family. It is a great holiday to just enjoy what you have! I get so caught up with the hussle and bussle of working in a grocery store before thanksgiving. There are always more sweet customers then rude ones. I mostly try to focus on the nice customers! But it does threaten to ruin my joy when someone screams at me about where we keep our croutons or the fact that I'm not a bank and don't keep large bills in my register for them to give as a gift. But then a sweet customer will come up and hug me and wish me a happy Thanksgiving! Those are the moments I choose to focus on. Just like when my family is all laughing and having fun. Focus on the joy of the holiday and you will feel truly thankful! God bless! Happy Thanksgiving!

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