I LOVE NAIL ART. That being said sometimes I don't feel like getting out tools. They can be messy and a hassle. I do own and use many nail polish tools but some days I use my "cheater" tools. These are great for kids and beginners too! Here is a list of my tools.
- A Sharpie.
First I'll give you a helpful tip rubbing alcohol or even some hand Sanitizers remove Sharpie from skin and most surfaces. So Sharpies come in so many colors you can usually buy them individually at a office supply store and when using them for nail art all you have to do is draw, wait for it to dry, then use a good topcoat. Make sure you get enough topcoat on your brush or it can smear. The best part of this is if you mess up then use rubbing alcohol on a cotton pad to remove and try again!
- Liquid Eyeliners
Liquid eyeliners are a great alternative to make stripes! I have wet n wild liquid eyeliners in nearly every color they make. I use them more for my nails then my eyes! With this tip if you mess up wash your hands and start over. To seal in your design once you're happy with it just wait until it's totally dry and use topcoat!
- Toothpick.
A toothpick is my preferred dotting tool. I can adjust the size with scissors and a nail file. Just cut as much of the tip off as you need to make it bigger and then use a metal nail file to level the new tip!
- Bobby Pins
This one is fairly well known but they work great as a larger dotting tool!
- Tape
One of my favorite manicures to do is cut out random shapes in tape place them on my nails then sponge on different colors onto my nail. You can even put several tape pieces on one nail and remove one or more and then sponge a new color on!
- Makeup sponges
My final tip is those cheap little makeup sponges. I always use these to sponge on polish. They work great and you can create beautiful ombre designs or even sunsets.
Try one or all of these and let me know how they work for you!
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