Saturday, October 11, 2014

Loosing friends

This is something we all go through at some point in our lives. People grow apart, people change, people find out things they don't like in other people. It happens. It is however, never easy, at least in my experience. I have recently had a person who decided she didn't want to be friends with me anymore. Which is fine. Honestly her reasoning was mostly that she doesn't enjoy having anyone around her who doesn't share her exact political views. Also fine. We have known each other about 7 years, but we have never been super close. It's no great loss to my life. However, she is engaged to someone who I have been friends with since high school. This person was very important to me. We were at one point very close friends. I am the one who chose to end this friendship for a few reasons. One I came to the realization that I was doing most of the work maintaining our friendship which isn't cool. I deserve the occasional text or message just to say hi. Also I have been hated by most of his girlfriends. This one I had hoped would be different as she and I were friends way before the two of them met. But she unfortunately just used this to try to find out everything about all his past relationships which she should ask him in my opinion not me. But he was a person I thought I would always be friends with. He's the one who comforted me when I found out a close family member had cancer for the third time. He was there for me when my favorite great aunt died. I thought we would always be friends. That is pretty heartbreaking to realize that it's gone.

But I have decided not to focus on what I lost. One  great friend and one fake friend. I chose to focus on what I have. Which is several lifetime friends. I have other friends who are there for me in the rough times now. I have people who were supportive when I had my cancer scare and these two people weren't in that group. I have an amazing best friend and her whole family has adopted my whole family into their lives. That's pretty amazing. I have an amazing husband who is a better friend to me then anyone else has ever been. So as much as it sucks growing apart from someone. It must be in God's plan and since he can see the big picture and I can't I choose not to be miserable and dwell on this sad thing but rather to spend that time being thankful for all the amazing friends I do have. I have so many friends who are truly happy to be a part of my life I'm not going to mourn over people who chose not to bother. If I'm not good enough for them then they can move along because I'm good enough for me, my family, and my real friends. You all rock!

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