Everyone knows I love cats. I can never decide if I'm a cat person or a dog person. But after years of working in retail I do know one thing. Between animals and people I'm most definitely an animal person. Here are a few reasons why I'd rather hang out with my cats then most people.
-I never have to guess if they are happy. You know how sometimes when you're talking to someone you are thinking "Are they pretending to be happy for appearances?" Well with cats you never have to wonder. If they are happy they purr and in the case of my cat they purr loudly and pet the air.
-When I say hello to someone their response is never an adorable little chirp. Every time I say hello to my cats they chirp. usually while happily running towards me. The only human who gives me a similar reaction is my 7 year old part time kiddo. (my best friends daughter) Everyone else the best I can expect is hi back and maybe a, "how are you?"
-If I woke you up to pat your head just because I was bored I'm pretty sure your reaction wouldn't be a positive one. My cats adore sleep even more then I do but still if I wake them up by petting them I usually get a chirp and a snuggle and then lots of purring. I haven't had that good of a reaction to being woken up since I was 2.
-My cats make a daily effort to please me no matter what mood I'm in. They bring me gifts. I don't want the gifts they pick out but it's thoughtful none the less. They apparently think I'm a bad hunter and may starve so they bring me rodents and birds. Sometimes still alive so I can hone my hunting skills. Which will never happen but still they don't want me to starve and they go through a lot of trouble to bring me those gifts. No human would go to all that trouble everyday just on the off chance it made me happy.
-They do the most hilarious things without knowing they're funny. One of the cats I'm currently fostering, Roshet, was playing the floor is lava last night jumping from chair to table to chair again. She was completely thrown off when she got to our computer chair she had her two back feet planted on a chair and her two front feet on the computer chair walking backwards because it was spinning and she couldn't figure out how to get out of her predicament. She eventually gave up and laded on the carpet but jumped twice quickly because the floor was lava. Apparently the kitchen floor was just linoleum. I know that this example cats pretty much win from having a lower I.Q. but it was cute darn it.
-If I'm cold the best a human can do is offer to turn the heat up or give me a jacket or blanket. My cats make it a group effort to keep me warm they lay on the coldest parts of me like my feet and the small of my back. Just to keep me warm. I know it makes them colder but they don't mind they give me all their heat.
-My cats don't have mood swings. Granted one of my cats is a little mentally special but they will always love me and always be nice to me. Even when I'm doing something they don't like such as removing a tick or trimming their nails. They know that I'm trying to help them and they never take out their frustrations on me. At work I get yelled at for things I had nothing to do with on a regular basis by angry customers. I wish I had a NO bottle to squirt them with.
-If I don't want my cats on me or around me I can put them outside and they are always thrilled. They don't think I'm sick of them they just think I wanted them to go play in the outdoor wonderland. If I get irritated with a human they would look at me pretty funny if I started pushing them outside and then just told them to have fun and shut the door. That would be viewed as "weird" or "rude"
-When I am caring for humans either old or babies they tend to require a lot of care. My cats are self cleaning. One is even a tad obsessive about cleaning. (She grooms my husbands beard and my hands which all have to be immediately washed cause eww but still we appreciate the effort.) If they run out of food the cats just need a scoop and that's it no preparation needed. And having indoor/outdoor cats there is significantly less litterbox issues then indoor cats. Since I'm so high maintenance it is nice to have a lower maintenance animal in the house.
-My cats don't judge me if I want to sleep in because that is all they ever want to do. If anything they judge me for getting up and going to work. That is a habit they wish I would break. Especially living on a farm humans tend to judge me if I want to sleep past nine which I usually do.
I love people I am most definitely a social people person however there are days when I just wanna hang out with my crazy cats. I feel like queen of the house when I'm with my Gatos. They make me smile everyday that is why I currently own 2 and foster 3 even though I'm allergic to cats. I will most likely always have a cat or two around my house. Why wouldn't you want a fuzzy ball of entertaining happiness.
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