Monday, March 3, 2014


I have decided to make some small changes in my life. I want to feel better. I have never been a person who's self esteem is tied to her weight. I have been thin and chunky and I'm still the same me. The only difference is my health. I have also been thin and unhealthy and chunky and healthy. But currently my weight is not helping my health problems so I'm changing some stuff. Now I have never believed in diets I think they make you feel deprived and fail most of the time. In the past when I've lost weight it has happened just from increasing my water intake and working out. I currently have some health issues that make hard workouts pretty painful and dangerous so until I can begin a workout regime I am making other changes while I heal.from this health problem. My changes so far are. 
-I have a veggie filled salad with grilled chicken as one of my meals almost everyday. I adore salad and naturally gravitate towards a vegetarian diet but hubby helps me keep protien in my diet. So this was an easy step.

-I downloaded an app called my fitness pal. Which allows me to have a food diary right in my phone. It tells me when I'm not eating enough to loose weight and warns me that not consuming enough can slow my metabolism.

-I record everything in my food diary. It takes just a minute and there is no reason to lie because it's just for my own benefit.

-I make sure to start off with a healthy breakfast. Usually a yogurt and some fruit. But sometimes I splurge and have frosted flakes or waffles.

-I also downloaded an app that will allow me to track my water intake and it tells me how much I need to consume a day to keep hydrated and healthy. This is also helpful for keeping my kidney stones and migraines at bay. Also it alerts me when it's time to drink more water.

-Once I am done healing I have 3 different apps with workout videos on them. There is tons of variety so I won't get bored.

-I've decided that on days I don't feel like working out I will still walk on my treadmill for as long as possible.

-And finally I'm taking accountability. I am the only one who can make me healthier and I can do it. I've lost a lot of weight before and I can do it again.

Now I'm off to try to get hubby on board. Everything is better when your love and best friend joins in. Think about what small changes you can make to feel better and try it out! It's slower but usually drastic changes don't last as long. Hopefully I can stick with this and keep you all updated! Wish me luck!

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