Sunday, October 27, 2013

Clump free homemade laundry soap!

I like many have tried making homemade laundry soap several times only to be disappointed in how difficult it is to use. It gels up and no matter how much shaking or stirring you do the next time you use it it is back to completely gelled on the top. So I set out to make one that doesn't gel. You will need:
1 cup of Borax
1 cup of Arm & Hammer Laundry Detergent
1 bar of Fels Naptha
1/2 cup of Oxy Clean
1/4 cup baking soda.
3-4 gallons of hot water

Optional ingredients to make an all in one product are:

1 bottle (66 oz) of color safe bleach (I use Purex 2)
1 bottle (64 oz) fabric softener.

You also need a 5 gallon bucket and a spoon for mixing.

All you have to do is shred or grate the bar of Fels Naptha into a pot. Cover it with water and bring it to a boil stirring frequently until all the soap has dissolved. Then remove that from the heat and set aside while you mix all the dry ingredients (Borax, Laundry Detergent, Oxy Clean, and baking soda) in the bucket.  If you want to use the optional ingredients add them to the bucket now. Then pour the dissolved Fels Naptha into the bucket. Then stir like crazy until the baking soda quits fizzing and everything is mixed well! Then add hot water to the bucket until it's just over half full. No more or the baking soda will fizz too much and make it overflow. Let sit overnight or at least 6 hours and then add more hot water to about an inch from the top of the bucket.

This makes so much laundry soap and it's so inexpensive. You'll find that it is also very concentrated. I use about a quarter of a cup per load or a half a cup if you have heavily soiled clothes. Please try this out and let me know how you like it! I use a funnel after it has all cooled to put it in old laundry soap bottles. I also plan to make some for my family because it's so inexpensive and easy to make but still a great soap! Hugs and best wishes! -Tuffy

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