Sunday, June 1, 2014

Just keep swimming!

So the last year has been a rough one for my husband and I. He lost his job and has yet to find a new one. We lost his grandpa. I had another cancer scare with my uterus. But through all of this we come home every night and we spend a little time together and we unwind. We try and succeed most days in finding the bright spots. We laugh at our cats and dogs doing silly things. We can't pay our cable bill but we have spent more time reading to each other! We have had fun catching up on shows we used to watch by watching them online. We spend more time outside. We have also had to sell several things we own. But our house is getting less cluttered and we're realizing that we don't need cable or things when we have us. I used to worry that if I got married I'd run out of things to talk about with my husband. That has never once happened mostly because there is always some animal that I am trying to convince him that we need on the farm. Last night I tried to convince him that we needed a bunch of prairie dogs. I lost. The point of all this rambling is that even when times are hard. You have to just keep swimming. Look at the bright side. There is almost always a bright side. Every day is a gift from God. Try to treat it like that!

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