I grew up in the house where everyone gathered. My mom was the cool mom and there was almost always extra people in our house. We have always teased my mom about taking in strays whether that be cats or dogs or lizards or teen moms with no place to go or that friend that annoyed the heck out of me. No matter what they we're always welcome in our home as long as they were respectful. So growing up in that house that always had 4-9 people living there and guests all day, I picked up the habit of serving everyone. I'd make tacos and we'd all have a movie night or stew and then a bonfire. Whatever we did I always made sure everyone was fed and felt at home. So when my husband and I got our first apartment it was so hard for me to adjust. I had to have friends or my brothers or mother over at least twice a week. No matter how tired I was I just wasn't comfortable unless people were in my house with me. What can I say I'm a primate I'm social. But what surprised me came after we moved to our farm. I knew people weren't going to drive all the way out here twice a week for dinner no matter what I cooked them. So I took the time to get to know me. I have always been crazy independent. One of my first sentences was, "No, Mommy, I do it!" I have always been able to do stuff by myself and that's good but I never wanted to be alone. Not relationship wise. I never had the time to worry about that before I met my husband. But actually physically alone I just didn't do. So I decided to have a "Me" day. I drove to the city that I'm from spent time at the mall, window shopped, drove by where I grew up and my grandparents old house. To my surprise I had an amazing day. No plan nobody to give input on where to go. Just did whatever I felt like all day. I came home and was noticeably happier for days. So my advice to those social beings out there. Try a "Me" day spend some time getting to know you. You may surprise yourself. Me myself and I have our me days about once a month now. I'm still little miss hostess but I'm a happier more well adjusted one! Love and hugs, -Steph
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