- I was born in one of the greatest places a person can be born in. I have easy enough access to medical facilities, food and water and I have many choices I can make about my life instead of having to just deal with my circumstances no matter what.
- I have parents. Most of my family no longer has their parents and I am blessed that both of mine are still on this earth and relatively healthy. My mother and I are super close and I'm getting closer with my father all the time.
- I live with an amazing man in an amazing place. My husband can be a butthead but I adore him and we have a great life together. I am extremely blessed to be his wife and live on his amazing family farm.
- I know the love of the Lord! Faith is an amazing thing and I am so glad to have it. I am also glad that God made me who I am and I feel no need to judge you based on my religion or yours. Be who you are and I'll happily accept that as long as who you are is kind.
- Sasha Raven and Riley Bears. Yes my dogs. they show meamazing unconditional love everyday. I'm still in awe of Sasha's emotional depth for a dog. She helps me learn to love and accept all of my emotions and deal with pain and loss. Riley keeps me smiling even when I don't want to. He is a ball of happy!
- My brothers. I am lucky enough to be pretty close to my siblings and I wouldn't change that for anything. they are great people who are always there for me even when they are mad at me. I know that I can turn to them when I need something and they will help me in anyway they can.
- My job. I don't have the best or most exciting job in the world but I am lucky enough to be surrounded by amazing caring people who are like a second family to me when I am at work. Most people don't have that. I am blessed to get to know these people and spend time with them even if it's just a few hours a day!
- My friends. I honestly have amazing friends. My best friend and I can share anything. Half the time it feels like we share a brain. We are both super alike and super different all at once. and I love her for every bit of it. I mean she shares her child with me. How much more aawesome do you get?
- My baby. Although she isn't biologically mine. I adore her just as much as if she were. She is the most caring 8 year old I have ever met. She was born with so much empathy. She always knows how to make my heart smile. I adore my KayCee baby! Always have and always will!
I'm a city girl who has moved to the country to run a farm with my husband. I have frequent new adventures of learning how to do all the things my husband grew up doing. I love the most random assortment of stuff. You never know what you'll get with me. I may post a recipe, how to make homemade laundry soap, some of my favorite skincare or makeup products. It's a random place in my head so please join me.
Monday, February 23, 2015
Counting my blessings
Monday, February 16, 2015
Well I have hit a snag in my weight loss journey. I got the call that they had put my case up for review. (the last step before surgery) Unfortunately, they said they would like me to be six months seizure free before I have surgery. I understand that but I was not expecting that since they never mentioned that my seizures may stand in the way. The whole time I've had seizures I have never gone six months without one so basically we have to cure my seizures or I cannot have the surgery. Which is great but I currently have no clue how they will do that. I want to remain positive but that is very difficult for me. So, for now I will make the needed doctors appts and hope for the best, until then I will just hope for the best and keep on trying to lose weight and get healthy.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Things you don't think about before weight loss.
So everyone knows I'm on a journey to lose weight and get healthy. Well so far I've lost 30 pounds which isn't too much for how much I need to lose but its a good start. Well lately I've noticed some stuff I wasn't prepared for. Like, we all know you have to buy new clothes but at just 30 pounds less I've had to buy new undergarments too. And I always thought that I could just keep using my elastic pants. But no the elastic now doesn't go small enough for me.
Also I thought aches and pains wise it would only get better with weight loss but somehow I only started feeling how bad my arthritis is once I started loosing weight. You would think that would make it better not worse.
I have more energy but not always when I want it. I thought with losing some weight I would feel more hyper and for the most part I do but when It's time to do laundry. My hyperness abandons me for laziness. I just still don't wanna and I had hoped I would want to.
I just can't believe that even with that little weight loss I'm already having. Moments where I stop and realize I'm smaller now. Like I've always been small in some ways but chubby. And I thought my hubby was protective before and he's gonna be way worse the smaller I get. Oh well that's the price we pay for good health!